Child and Adolescent Assessments

We offer a range of assessment services for children and adolescents, including cognitive, intellectual, and educational assessments. The purpose of assessments is to answer referral questions and meet the needs of the client. 

At Sombok Psychology, we offer a variety of tests and assessments. Our team of highly qualified psychologists specializes in various developmental areas and is available to conduct assessments for children and adolescents. Our services include the following types of inquiries:

  • Autism Assessment/Identification (commonly referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder; Asperger’s Syndrome or ASD)

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment/Identification

  • Cognitive functioning (commonly referred to as intelligence testing or IQ testing)

  • Adaptive functioning (for example, daily living skills, socialization, communication)

  • Learning difficulties, including specific learning disabilities (SLD)

  • Mental health conditions.

Children are typically referred to us when there is a concern about their language or learning ability. Our psychologists work closely with the child and family to develop a tailored assessment, purposefully drawing from our library of the most current and empirically validated assessment tools available in the field.  We take pride in providing reliable assessments to help children and adolescents achieve and thrive at home and school. 

Child and Adolescent Assessment Packages

  • This package is suited for a child/adolescent aged 6 – 17 years of age.

    Our 'Educational and Learning Assessment' package is designed for children facing difficulties related to learning, reaching educational goals, or dealing with emotional and social issues. This assessment can help you understand the reasons behind your child's difficulties and identify other factors impacting their learning. This assessment is not just about identifying challenges but also about recognising and celebrating unique cognitive strengths.

    During this assessment, we conduct a cognitive evaluation to review your child's learning style and identify their strengths and weaknesses. We also conduct Academic Achievement tests as part of this assessment. The package will provide a conclusion regarding any Specific Learning Disorders that may be present in your child's profile, such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia.

    This package includes:

    • Cognitive Assessment with your child: WPPSI-IV or WISC-V (2 hours)

    • Academic Assessment with your child: WIAT-4 (2 hours)

    • Parent/Guardian Feedback Session (1 hour)

    As part of this package, you will receive a detailed written report. Please note that report writing may take up to two to four weeks.

  • This package is available to children aged 4 – 17 years of age.

    The 'Intellectual Ability Assessment' is a diagnostic assessment to identify an intellectual disability and its accompanying severity level. This assessment can be used to help us identify diagnoses like intellectual disability, giftedness, and specific learning disorders. This assessment is not just about identifying challenges but also about recognising and celebrating unique cognitive strengths.

    We conduct this assessment to understand how your child's brain works, including their strengths and needs. This enables us to provide better recommendations and support for their learning and daily life. In some cases, this assessment is also used to determine school admission or provide evidence for accommodations.

    It includes a cognitive assessment and an assessment of adaptive functioning. After the intake session, we send a few questionnaires to parents/guardians and teachers.

    This package includes:

    • Cognitive Assessment with Child - WPPSI-IV or WISC- V (2 Hours)

    • Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales – Parent and Teacher

    • Parent/Guardian Feedback Session (1 hour)

    As part of this package, you will receive a detailed written report. Please note that report writing may take up to two to four weeks.

  • This package is suited to children aged 3 – 10 years of age.

    Autism is a neurodevelopmental difference that is evident from birth and impacts individuals throughout their lifetime. Autistic individuals develop differently than typically developing brains, resulting in differences in language, communication, cognition, sensory processing, motor control, and social behaviours.

    To assess an individual for Autism, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted using assessment tools such as ADOS and MIGDAS. The presentation of Autism varies from person to person, and autistic individuals have different ways of social interaction, communication, and perception of the environment, including sensory information, change, and objects.

    In this package, we also complete a cognitive assessment that reviews your child's cognitive abilities and identifies their strengths and needs, that could be impacting their executive functioning, daily life and/or learning. During the process, you or individuals who were involved in your child's life may be asked to fill out some questionnaires.

    This package includes:

    • Assessment Session with Child - ADOS-2 or MIGDAS-2 (1-2 Hours)

    • Cognitive Assessment with Child - WISC-V (2 Hours)

    • Parent/Guardian Feedback Session (1 Hour)

    As part of this package, you will receive a detailed written report. Please note that report writing may take up to two to four weeks.

    Please note that this assessment does not include an assessment of ADHD. If screening of these symptoms is requested, additional costs will be incurred.

  • This package is suited for a child/adolescent aged 11 – 17 years of age.

    Autism is a neurodevelopmental difference that is evident from birth and impacts individuals throughout their lifetime. Autistic individuals develop differently than typically developing brains, resulting in differences in language, communication, cognition, sensory processing, motor control, and social behaviours.

    To assess an individual for Autism, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted using assessment tools such as ADOS and MIGDAS. The presentation of Autism varies from person to person, and autistic individuals have different ways of social interaction, communication, and perception of the environment, including sensory information, change, and objects.

    In this package, we also complete a cognitive assessment that reviews your child's cognitive abilities and identifies their strengths and needs that could be impacting their executive functioning, daily life and/or learning. During the process, you or individuals who were involved in your child's life may be asked to fill out some questionnaires.

    This package includes:

    • Assessment Session with Child - MIGDAS-2 (1-2 Hours)

    • Cognitive Assessment with Child - WISC-V (2 Hours)

    • Parent/Guardian Feedback Session (1 Hour)

    As part of this package, you will receive a detailed written report. Please note that report writing may take up to two to four weeks.

    Please note that this assessment does not include an assessment of ADHD. If screening of these symptoms is requested, additional costs will be incurred.

  • ADHD is a neurodevelopmental difference that is evident from birth and impacts individuals throughout their lifetime. ADHD is a neurological profile characterized by a different way of processing and managing information, with a range of presentations in the areas of hyperactivity and inattentiveness.

    To assess an individual for ADHD, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted using assessment tools such as Conners 4 and CAARS. To assess an individual for ADHD, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to evaluate their experiences, characteristics, and presentation against the DSM-V diagnostic criteria.

    Our neurodiversity-affirming ADHD assessments consist of an interview-type session talking with your child about possible ADHD traits using different interview tools, standardized tools for the child, parents and teachers.

    This package includes:

    • Assessment Session with Child (1 hour)

    • Conners 4 (Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report)

    • Feedback (1 hour)

    • With a comprehensive report:

    This option includes a thorough document containing pertinent background information, evidence from diagnostic interviews, test results, any formal diagnoses (rule-in/rule-out of ADHD), and recommendations.

    • Without a comprehensive report:

    This option includes a diagnostic summary letter, a brief overview of test results, and any formal diagnoses (rule-in/rule-out of ADHD).


Adult Assessments