Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sombok Psychology provides a range of psychological services including therapy, psychoeducational assessments, training, consulting and supervision.

    Read more about our therapy services.

    Read more about our assessment services.

    Read more about our training and consulting services.

  • Individual therapy with one of our qualified psychologists ranges between $25 - $140 for a 50 minute session depending on the qualifications and experience of the psychologist. We have standard fees and discounted fees for low income clients. All prices are inclusive of VAT.

    Read more about our fees.

  • To book an appointment, please contact us by emailing or you can phone us on 077 566 110. We will ask you to complete an intake form and then contact you to schedule an appointment.

  • The number of sessions you need will depend entirely on your individual circumstances. You will likely get a sense of what regularity works for you. Therapy can be most effective when it is regular and consistent, particularly when you first begin the process. Typically, sessions can occur weekly or fortnightly to start with, and then decrease in frequency as you work through your concerns; however, this is flexible. You and your therapist will assess your needs and situation and decide together on what will work best for you.

  • Payment is due at the end of your appointment. You can pay via cash, ABA transfer, or international bank transfer. You can also pay by Visa/Mastercard if you attend the clinic.

  • It is normal to feel nervous, worried, hopeful, or even excited about your first appointment. When you arrive, our staff will greet you in reception and offer you a cup of tea or coffee while you wait for your appointment.

    Your psychologist will invite you into your therapy room, and engage with you in a relaxed, conversational way, to explore what has brought you to therapy, and ask about your concerns. The first appointment is about getting to know each other and for your therapist to learn about you. It is also an opportunity for you to familiarise yourself with the environment, your therapist and the process, in order to decide whether they will be a good fit for you. It is important that you feel our approach to therapy is suited to your individual needs; therapy is most effective if you feel there is an alignment in values and if you feel a sense of safety in the therapy space and with the person you are working with.

    If you are a parent and are bringing your child to therapy, the first session will typically involve meeting with just you, or you and your partner (without your child present) to discuss your concerns. This first session is needed to gather important background information about your child and discuss how we as a team can best support them.

  • Yes, we offer telehealth / online sessions to clients residing in Cambodia. Typically we do not provide online therapy to clients residing outside of Cambodia.

  • Everything you share within your therapy sessions, from the moment you make first contact, is confidential. No one outside of our practice is able to confirm whether you are even attending Sombok Psychology, unless you provide written consent to us that we are able to share this information with another specific person. Our staff have been trained to carefully safeguard the confidentiality of your information obtained during your access of our service.

    The exception to this is if your psychologist becomes concerned about your safety or someone else's safety, requiring them to take steps to ensure that Duty of Care is covered. As we work from a person-centred approach, wherever possible and appropriate, these steps will always be discussed in collaboration with you prior to taking action.

  • Yes, we are able to do diagnostic assessments for ADHD in both children and adults.

    Although there is no single medical, genetic or physical test for ADHD, a diagnostic assessment can be made by a mental health professional. Symptoms of ADHD overlap with many other mental health disorders. A qualified psychologist can determine if the problems you are experiencing are due to ADHD, some other cause or a combination of causes.

    A diagnostic assessment for ADHD in involves a comprehensive evaluation of information from a number of sources, including:

    • a full clinical and psychosocial assessment that includes discussion about behaviour and symptoms in the different domains and settings of your everyday life

    • a full developmental and psychiatric history

    • symptom checklists and rating scales

    A diagnostic assessment can be completed over 3-4 sessions with a qualified psychologist from Sombok Psychology. You will also be asked to complete some questionnaires between sessions to gain additional information about your current symptoms. Following the assessment sessions, your therapist will arrange a feedback session to discuss the results of the assessment and help you make a plan for ongoing support.