
We help people to be understood and thrive in different environments.

About Assessments at Sombok Psychology

Sombok Psychology is committed to offering compassionate assessments to individuals who seek a better understanding of themselves. Our goal is to empower our clients to embrace their true selves, including their unique strengths and needs. We emphasize creating a safe, inclusive environment where clients feel acknowledged, heard, and understood. Our approach is collaborative, and we work hand in hand with our clients to identify their strengths and challenges.

Sombok Psychology has qualified and highly skilled psychologists who are available to conduct assessments in a range of areas. We use evidence-based assessment tools to provide accurate diagnoses, support, and recommendations.

Depending on the inquiry, complexity, and referral reasons, the process may take between three to five in-person sessions. The process usually involves an interview session, an observation session, one to three standardized testing sessions, and a feedback session where the psychologist will explain the results and address any questions you may have. After the assessment, you will receive a detailed written report that includes information about the assessment, results, and recommendations to provide support for the future.

Please note that while psychologists are trained for diagnostic and identification assessment, we cannot prescribe medication. We recommend speaking with an experienced psychiatrist or paediatrician who can advise on medication options. We are here to support you in your journey towards better mental health.