Adult Assessments

We offer personalized assessment services for adults to meet their individual needs and answer referral questions. Our services for adults are designed to provide you with a comprehensive and personalized evaluation. Our services include the following:

  • Autism Assessment/Identification (commonly referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder; Asperger’s Syndrome or ASD)

  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Assessment/Identification

  • Cognitive functioning (widely known as intelligence testing or IQ testing)

  • Learning difficulties, including specific learning disabilities

  • Mental health conditions

Autism/ADHD identification as an adult can lead to the following outcomes:

  • Deepening self-understanding

  • Self-discovery

  • Requesting reasonable adjustments in the workplace or school.

Adult Assessment Packages

  • This package is suitable for adults aged 17+ years old.

    The Adult Intellectual Ability Assessment is a supportive diagnostic assessment to identify an intellectual disability and its accompanying severity level. This assessment can be used to help us identify diagnoses like intellectual disability, giftedness, and specific learning disorders. This assessment is not just about identifying challenges but also about recognising and celebrating unique cognitive strengths.

    This package includes:

    • Cognitive Assessment – WAIS-IV (2 Hours)

    • Feedback Session (1 hour)

    As part of this package, you will receive a detailed written report. Please note that report writing may take up to two to four weeks.

    Please note that this assessment does not include an assessment of ADHD. If screening of these symptoms is requested, additional costs will be incurred.

  • This package is suitable for adults aged 18+ years old.

    Autism is a neurodevelopmental difference that is evident from birth and impacts individuals throughout their lifetime. Autistic individuals develop differently than typically developing brains, resulting in differences in language, communication, cognition, sensory processing, motor control, and social behaviours.

    To assess an individual for Autism, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted using assessment tools such as ADOS and MIGDAS. The presentation of Autism varies from person to person, and autistic individuals have different ways of social interaction, communication, and perception of the environment, including sensory information, change, and objects.

    Our neurodiversity-affirming Autism assessments consist of an interview-type session talking about your possible Autistic traits using the MIGDAS-2 interview tool.

    We will ask you about Autistic traits in adulthood and childhood and ask you to complete other questionnaires about possible Autistic experiences and traits if necessary. If you're around 21 years of age or under, we will ask you to have contact with a parent, carer, or another adult who knew you during childhood.

    This package includes:

    • Three or Four Hours of Assessment Appointments using the MIGDAS-2

    • Feedback Session (1 Hour)

    A comprehensive written report is provided. Please note that there is a two-to-four-week turnaround for report writing.

    Please note that this assessment does not include an assessment of ADHD. If screening of these symptoms is requested, additional costs will be incurred.

  • This package is suitable for adults aged 18+ years old.

    ADHD is a neurodevelopmental difference that is evident from birth and impacts individuals throughout their lifetime. ADHD is a neurological profile characterized by a different way of processing and managing information, with a range of presentations in the areas of hyperactivity and inattentiveness.

    To assess an individual for ADHD, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted using assessment tools such as Conners 4 and CAARS. To assess an individual for ADHD, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to evaluate their experiences, characteristics, and presentation against the DSM-V diagnostic criteria.

    Our neurodiversity-affirming ADHD assessments include interview sessions where we discuss your possible ADHD traits by using the DIVA-5 interview tool. After that, we will ask you to complete standardized questionnaires. The assessment will provide you with formal identification, help deepen your self-understanding, and create the possibility to request reasonable adjustments in your workplace or study.

    This package includes:

    • Assessment Session (1-2 hours)

    • CAARS (Self and Observer Report)

    • Feedback (1 hour)

    • With a comprehensive report:

    This option includes a thorough document containing pertinent background information, evidence from diagnostic interviews, test results, any formal diagnoses (rule-in/rule-out of ADHD), and recommendations.

    • Without a comprehensive report:

    This option includes a diagnostic summary letter, a brief overview of test results, and any formal diagnoses (rule-in/rule-out of ADHD).


Child and Adolescent Assessments


The Assessment Process