Justin Van Zee

Operations Manager



English, Khmer


I have the privilege of serving as the Operations Manager. My role is to oversee the business side of Sombok to ensure that our administrative systems effectively support the clinical care that our team offers. I also work with our team to design training and services to support the well-being of other organisations.

Prior to joining Sombok in January 2024, I worked for 10 years in the non-profit sector in Cambodia with a focus on youth leadership development. As I interacted with young people and listened to their stories, I was amazed at their resilience and courage. At the same time, I became acutely aware of the need for quality mental health services, and I am glad that I can be part of the fantastic team at Sombok that is meeting this need.

I enjoy working with a multicultural team and creating spaces that are welcoming for everyone. I hope that you will find Sombok truly to be a place of healing and growth, and I am always open to feedback about how our team can improve.

When I’m not working at Sombok, I enjoy mentoring young adults, diving into a good book, spending time with friends, and exploring the Cambodian countryside.


Dr Liz Schilpzand


Dr Cristina Delgado Torres