Individual Therapy
We support your personal growth and path towards mental and emotional wellness.
Individual therapy is a personal and safe process that can involve talking with a psychologist about your life, exploring and understanding your concerns, and providing strategies and tools to work towards mental and emotional wellness. Through individual therapy, you can learn skills and build inner resources that you will be able to take away with you and use for the rest of your life.
Sombok psychologists provide individual therapy to adults, adolescents and children for a range of issues, including:
Grief and loss
Abuse (sexual, emotional, physical and neglect)
Relationships and relational wellness
Self-esteem, identity, and personal development
Life transitions
Eating issues
Social isolation
Sexual health, sexuality and gender identity
Pregnancy, parenting and attachment
Post-natal mental health
ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sensory difficulties and disorders
Early psychosis
Family separation
Childhood issues
Spiritual related health and wellness